Thursday, April 24, 2014

Elevator trim tab complete.

Here I rivet the elevator tip ribs together.

Weight to hold the trim tab together while the proseal on the ribs cures.

Clecoing the trim tab actuator doubler.

Dimpling the elevator trailing edges.

Looks can be deceiving.  The elevators go together for match drilling, then come apart for debarring, scuffing and priming.  So I get to assemble them twice.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Installing pulled rivets in the HS rear spar.  I  love this pneumatic pop rivet gun.  And I didn't go crazy.  $80.00 from  Northern!

Hiding out!

The Horizontal Stabilizer went together fairly quickly.
HS skin goes into the cradle.
The Horizontal Stabilizer going together.
Here I countersink a HS spar.

This is REAL airplane building.  Brian Karli and Richard Epton hand form a Sopwith Camel cowl.  No pre punched holes here!